Monday, March 30, 2015

Mar. 30, 2015

This morning we woke up to the kids talking in the living room. It was really early so we brought them in bed with us.

Rody got up with them and fed them breakfast, and I got up and had coffee. Then I put some slinky’s on my bird feeder posts to try to keep the squirrels away, since my bucket idea didnt work.

Kenzie fed the kids lunch, while I made some more bow clothespin clip magnets. Then they played with noise putty, which they loved! Then Kenzie started making the bow magnets with me. We decided to make some more for Kimmy. By this time it was about 1:30pm and the kids were still playing with the putty haha.

We were so excited to give the bows to Kimmy we went over there. After we got there we decided to make me a ribbon holder. Kimmy got the wood all ready, and when Jared got home he pieced it together. It looks so amazing! The kids watched a movie, and played. We ate sloppy Jo’s and potatoes, and rice for dinner.

Isaac drew this stick man

I love these sweet Nephews of mine!

My babies love her

All 3 of them! (Kenzie jumpped in)

They were watching Frozen, and I looked over and Peyton had her arm around Isaac, she was very proud of herself ;)

The attack of the Twins on Uncle Jared

Jacob was super excited today because he got his own library card. He showed me twice, and didnt even realize it, thats how excited he was. Big day in a kids life :)

Isaac holding a ladybug, it was dead, but he didnt know it. haha He just was proud of himself for being brave and holding it. 

We stayed at Kimmy and Jared til about 10:30pm. Then headed home. I had to stop at Walmart to get some more dowel rods for my ribbon holder and some milk. Then we came home and I got it all sat up. Looks so much better than the box I was using! And now I have a ton of room to get more ribbon. haha

Now I have to clean my fish bowl before I go to bed! 

Thank you Kimmy and Jared so much for making the bow holder for me. It was a lot of fun watching you guys work together. And really funny! :)

Mar. 29, 2015

Today we went to church, we brought Matthew with us.

After church we went to my mom and dads house. We ate lunch, Grilled chicken, corn, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. It was so yummy! After dinner we just talked and the kids played and watched a movie until we left. We had such a good time! It sure is nice to have my mom and dad back! Max and Jack were there too.

After using the upstairs bathroom, Isaac slid down my moms stairs on his belly, head first!

Jack lost his 2 front teeth this past week

I love her to pieces! 

I am my daddys girl! Love him to pieces too!

After we left there, we went to Goodwill. Then we came home and had dinner. 

After dinner, I ran to get some movies for Kenzie and I to watch after the kids go to bed.

We got Unbreakable, which was a great movie! And we got Dumb and Dumber To, which was the dumbest movie ever. I wouldnt recommend it to anyone.

After the kids went to bed we watched them. We also had MockingJay part 1 but we were too tired to watch it.

SO we went to bed!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Mar. 28, 2015

This morning I slept in and Rody got up with the kids. He made them breakfast and they were just playing by the time I woke up. I was really happy to wake up to this girl feeling better. 

look at them eyelashes :)

After we took like 1000 pictures, Omi came to pick up Kenzie. They are taking her to the Henry Ford Museum and staying over night in a hotel with a swimming pool. So we are going to miss her!

I got some pics of the kids with Omi.

Then Vershon came over to visit. The kids sure do love him!

I got this video of him singing Let It GO with Peyton. It is so cute!


Then they danced for Shon Shon…it was so funny!


After he left, we went to Walmart and a couple other stores. I got slinky’s to try hanging them from my bird feeder pole to keep the dang squirrels away. I let the kids play with them for a little bit before bed. THEY LOVED THEM!

After I got the kids in bed, I watched my show while I knitted a pair of slippers. And now I am off to bed!