Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March 30, 2016

I was so tired this morning. I ended up taking a nap from 11:30 til 2pm. When I woke up me and the kids walked with Lenny to the park. After the park we left and walked to another park. Lenny loved going down the big slide lol. He went down a few times! We came home and the kids played outside for a while. We decided to take Lenny to Petsmart. Then we walked to Old Navy. We left there and stopped at mom and dads house for a few minutes. Then we took Lenny to the dog park, he loved it!
We left there and went to Salvation Army. Then we took Lenny in the small pet store.
Then since the kids were being so good we went and had ice cream cones. Sure was fun! We came home and ate dinner.
After the kids went to bed, I watched tv til I went to bed.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March 29, 2016

I got up super early this morning, then fell asleep on the couch til about 11am. I went and got a few groceries, then I came home. The kids both fell asleep so I cleaned the fish tank. My algae eater died, not sure when. After I cleaned the tank I got the kids up and we took Lenny to the dog park. They had so much fun playing with all the dogs. And then we went to the kids playground. Lenny kept climbing up and going down the slide. He loved it!
We ate dinner at McDonald's and the kids ploayef til about 9pm. We came home and they went to bed. I watched tv til I went to bed.

March 28, 2016

Misty and Olive came over tonight! I didn't do much of anything else today! The kids played and I took a nap that's about it.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

March 27, 2016

He is risen! Happy Resurrection Day!
We got up and went to church...AMAZING WORSHIP AND AWESOME MESSAGE!!! Just what I needed to hear!
After church we came home and got the dog house and kennel and cement blocks situated! I love how it came together! Can't wait to paint it!!!
I ran to a few stores and then came home and got ready to go to dinner with Grammy, Aunt Ann, Vershon, Uncle Mike, and Dyterres. We went to Chen's. The food was so good!!! Yum!
We came home and I worked outside til it got dark. Rody went into work around 7. Me and the kids got a ton of work done! They went to bed and I watched tv til I went to bed. 
Stacie and Peyton
Rody cleaning out the dog house with the leaf mulcher lol
Lenny loves his kennel 
Isaac being silly
Peyton and Isaac and their baskets from Omi and Popi
I thought this was so funny! Looks just like an oversized Lennox!

March 26, 2016

We got up got ready and then headed to 
mom and dads for Easter. My whole family was there. Even Kenzie and Cole were there, which was nice. 
We ate lunch/dinner, then the kids found their Easter baskets, then they had a Easter egg hunt. The Easter egg hunt was so easy this year cuz all the kids are good at it and they all did great!
Then my dad, Rody, Jared, and Bruce all went to get the huge dog house for Lenny. We found it for free on Craigslist! (Thanks Kimmy! And thanks guys for getting it and taking it to my house!)
The guys got back and stayed with the kids while mom, Mel, Kimmy, me and Lennox took a walk down the road. We had a great time and a ton of good laughs! We got back and headed home. I was starting to get a migraine so I wanted to get home and just get into the tub. 
Got home and got the kids in bed and then took a bath and went to bed. Sure was a fun day! I love my family!
Some kids kept spilling her bubbles but not Isaac, he stuck his in the snow haha! He's so cute and smart!
Thank you mom for always making holidays so special for all of us! We really appreciate it and we recognize all your hard work! Love you!!!

Friday, March 25, 2016

March 25, 2016

This morning while I was having my coffee, Stacie called and asked if me and the kids wanted to come over. We did! So we headed over there, Lenny too! The kids had so much fun playing with Kody. Stacie made them tiny grilled cheeses, which they thought were yummy and cool. And she gave them grapes and blueberries! They loved Kodys toys! They played with crafts and scissors and glue and they loved it! I dyed Stacies hair and we watched the kids play and the dogs play. Lenny didn't have any accidents. Then we left.

My dad went and checked out a dog house that we found on Craigslist. He said it is nice so we are going to get it. He said it was super heavy so the boys will probably help him get it tomorrow.
It's really cute, just needs a paint job! 
We got home and I had a major headache so I took some Motrin and laid down for a little bit. 
We headed to Aunt Debbie's to color Easter eggs. She ordered pizza for dinner. It was really good!
We sure had a fun time there! The kids, especially Peyton love Uncle Tom! They were playing with him the whole time!
We couldn't figure out how to spell Amanda's cats name so I just drew a cat on its Easter egg haha she thought it was cute! We sure missed her!
We came home around 10:30. The kids were asleep and got right in bed. Lenny had an accident in his cage so I cleaned him up and then played with him til I went to bed.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

March 24, 2016

Woke up this morning and I was so happy. Lennox didn't have any accidents. That makes 3 nights in a row with no accidents. Yay!
Me and the kids and Lennox went over to my mom and dads house today to decorate Easter eggs. The kids loved doing it. They were so cute!
Lenny waiting here til he has dry feet.
We went to Petsmart and Goodwill on the way home. We ate dinner and then we put a bow in Lennys hair...the kids sure thought it was funny and cute!
We cleaned up the house and then the kids went to bed. Rody got home around 9 and we watched tv til we went 
to bed.
Kimmy sent me a pic of Norman, she cut the hair around his eyes and he looks so cute. This is a before and after pic. Love it!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 23, 2016

This morning we got up and headed home. It wasn't snowing but it was cold and raining. We stopped at Tim Hortons on the way. I got a doughnut and a cappuccino and the kids got some timbits. They were super excited to eat them in the car, I usually don't let them eat in the car.
We got home and got everything out away and got some laundry done and then I took a shower. Then we went to get a few groceries. Around 3 Mel and the kids came over. Hailey had play practice so they hung out here til she was done. The boys had fun playing with Lenny! Then they all watched Curious George.

 After they left we ate dinner. When they were finished the kids got in the bathtub. They stayed in there for like an hour. 
After they went to bed, I watched tv for a little bit then I went to bed.

March 22, 2016

This morning I got up and Kimmy was at work and the boys were at school. Me Peyton Isaac and Lenny left and went to Meijer and then we went to Home Depot.
We got back to Kimmys and the kids played while I got dinner ready to just put in the oven when it was time. Kimmy and the boys got home around 3 then mom came over. We went for a walk in the woods and then we came in. Mom went to pick up Kenzie. When they got back we ate dinner. I surprised Kinmy and made cheesy potatoes and chicken tacos. She's been having a rough time at her job so I wanted to just surprise her with something yummy. Kenzie and Mom there was a bonus. :)
The food was really good. Aunt Debbie gave me the recipe.
We just hung out and watched Kenzie play with the dogs. Truman was even doing tricks for Cheerios, haha! 
After the kids went to bed we watched a movie. It was really good.
Kenzie and mom left and then me and Kimmy hung out a little bit before we went to bed.
Checking out the lobsters at Meijer
Riding Sandy the horse at Meijer that still only costs a penny! The kids cried and didn't like it last time we were here. This time they loved it!
Norman brings his ball to you and waits for you to throw it. He would do this all day if we didn't hide it on him lol. Peyton wasn't paying attention to his ball, she was watching Curious George and Norman just waited patiently lol
He's just a big ole cutie pie!
They love Eli's hammock!
Jacob and his best friend Nick.
Kenzie and Peyton
Kenzie and Norman...he loves her!
The two doodles and Kenzie
Kenzie and Truman!
Some pics Kenzie sent me:
She's a chicken lover