Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 22, 2016

This morning I got up and Kimmy was at work and the boys were at school. Me Peyton Isaac and Lenny left and went to Meijer and then we went to Home Depot.
We got back to Kimmys and the kids played while I got dinner ready to just put in the oven when it was time. Kimmy and the boys got home around 3 then mom came over. We went for a walk in the woods and then we came in. Mom went to pick up Kenzie. When they got back we ate dinner. I surprised Kinmy and made cheesy potatoes and chicken tacos. She's been having a rough time at her job so I wanted to just surprise her with something yummy. Kenzie and Mom there was a bonus. :)
The food was really good. Aunt Debbie gave me the recipe.
We just hung out and watched Kenzie play with the dogs. Truman was even doing tricks for Cheerios, haha! 
After the kids went to bed we watched a movie. It was really good.
Kenzie and mom left and then me and Kimmy hung out a little bit before we went to bed.
Checking out the lobsters at Meijer
Riding Sandy the horse at Meijer that still only costs a penny! The kids cried and didn't like it last time we were here. This time they loved it!
Norman brings his ball to you and waits for you to throw it. He would do this all day if we didn't hide it on him lol. Peyton wasn't paying attention to his ball, she was watching Curious George and Norman just waited patiently lol
He's just a big ole cutie pie!
They love Eli's hammock!
Jacob and his best friend Nick.
Kenzie and Peyton
Kenzie and Norman...he loves her!
The two doodles and Kenzie
Kenzie and Truman!
Some pics Kenzie sent me:
She's a chicken lover

1 comment:

  1. Love your pictures. The horse ones are so cute! So many memories of those horses and you girls, also Kenzie. That's a pretty old horse
