Sunday, March 20, 2016

March 19, 2016

My mom called this morning to see if I wanted to go to a movie and dinner with her and Mel and Kimmy tonight...heck ya I did! 
I got some stuff done around the house and I was so tired that I took a nap til it was time to get up and get ready to go to moms.
We got to the movie theater and Kimmy was running late so she met us there. A van like hers drove by us and I said "there she is, I'd know my twin anywhere!" And it wasn't her...hahaha we all had a good laugh over that! LOL
The movie was great, mom got us all popcorn and pop, which was very yummy!!! Poor Hailey got sick during the movie and went and puked. :( she was feeling better after that though so that's good!
We went to Olive Garden after and had great food and a ton of laughs! Sure had a great time. I love my family, so happy my sisters and mom and I are so close!  After I went home, I was so tired I went straight to bed!
Thank you mom for taking us all out and giving us a fun much needed time of relaxation! You are the best mom 
All of our husbands stayed with our kids :)
Isaac is so much like daddy!!!

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