Thursday, March 24, 2016

March 24, 2016

Woke up this morning and I was so happy. Lennox didn't have any accidents. That makes 3 nights in a row with no accidents. Yay!
Me and the kids and Lennox went over to my mom and dads house today to decorate Easter eggs. The kids loved doing it. They were so cute!
Lenny waiting here til he has dry feet.
We went to Petsmart and Goodwill on the way home. We ate dinner and then we put a bow in Lennys hair...the kids sure thought it was funny and cute!
We cleaned up the house and then the kids went to bed. Rody got home around 9 and we watched tv til we went 
to bed.
Kimmy sent me a pic of Norman, she cut the hair around his eyes and he looks so cute. This is a before and after pic. Love it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love Lennox's picture with the bow even if he is a boy. Thanks for helping with eggs with kiddos. Sure was fun and they were really good at it.
