Wednesday, December 30, 2015

December 29, 2015

I'm This morning I did some grocery shopping with my mom. We came home and she hung out for a little while then she left. I knitted the rest of the day while the kids played. Peyton was being very silly and wanted to make her own YouTube video. She is hilarious!
Here is the link to the video:

After the kids went to bed I ran to Kroger for a few more groceries.
When I got home I knitted til I went to bed.

The kids eating chocolate covered pretzels from our neighbor 
Isaac said "this is my nana smile" lol

Monday, December 28, 2015

December 28, 2015

Today Misty came over. She brought me a Christmas gift. It was a bunch of pretty yarn, a knitting magazine and a needle holder in a cool knitting bag. She is so sweet! I decided to make her a lamb. So after she left I started working on knitting the lamb. I got done with it around 1 am then I made a skirt for it. I'm going to make a shirt tomorrow, we'll I'm going to try. That's it...I just knitted all day! Then I went to bed.
The kids love their gifts from Uncle Jay 
Isaac in his battery powered Christmas lights 

December 27, 2015

We got up and went to church today. Pastor Ken preached a good message! After church we came home and ate pizza for lunch. After Rody left for work, me and the kids went to Goodwill. Then we were going to go to play at the mall but they were naughty in the store so we came home. I knitted while they played til bedtime. I went to bed early tonight.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

December 26, 2015

This morning I slept in and Rody got up with the kids. I ended up sleeping til 12:30pm. When I got up my mom called to see if I wanted some bean soup. So Peyton and I headed over there. We ate some bean soup, Peyton played with the toys, then we watched Finding Nemo. Chuck and Sue came over and watched the movie Moms Night Out in the other room. We had a good time. Then Kenzie came over to show us what she got from Cole for Christmas. A new cat. She is thinking about calling her Ray. 
Kenzie and Cole breaking the wishbone 
Chuck and Peyton.
Chuck gave Peyton some change out of his pocket and Peyton took it and said "where's the rest?" Haha she's so silly!
We came home and Rody and Isaac got home right after us.
I cleaned the house then took the Christmas tree down. 
After that we ate dinner. The kids played until they went to bed. Then I knitted on my bean bag chair and watched tv til I went to bed. 

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas 2015

I woke up around 6:45 this morning and the kids were already awake playing with the gifts they got yesterday. I went back to bed but I couldn't sleep so I posted my blog from yesterday. Then I got up and waited for Rody to get up. Then we opened gifts. The kids were so cute and so sweet. I loved seeing all their excitement! 
After we were done, we got toys out of the packages and put batteries in stuff and the kids played. They were so excited about everything. 
My coffee with a candy cane Christmas tradition. 
Isaac riding his punching bag lol
Opening their stockings
They loved the lambs I knitted them
We ate breakfast. 
Then Nana and Papa stopped over.
It's so nice to hang out with them on Christmas! I was feeling pretty depressed about the woke Kenzie situation so I was kinda grumpy when they came and I feel bad. Sorry mom! It's my first Christmas without Kenzie.
After they left we got ready and then headed over to Grammy's. Uncle Mike, Dyterres, Aunt Ann, and Vershon were all there too. We opened gifts right away. The kids got so much stuff and tons, I mean tons of clothes! Wow we have enough clothes to last all year (besides summer). I'm so thankful! We ate dinner, which was amazing! Then we sat and talked with everyone. The kids were so funny! Peyton was just being silly and acting so old, and Isaac was saying funny things like when everyone left we were sitting there and he said to Grammy "o crap, I forgot to tell everyone Merry Christmas!" We all cracked up!

The kids helping Grammy butter the rolls
Uncle Mike and Dyterres 
Shon Shon and his favorite kids!
Found this on my phone lol 
We came home and got the kids in bed then I put stuff away. Then I watched tv til I went to bed. Here are the kids new jammies from Omi and Popi

I found some pics of Kenzie so I decided to post them.
I got a phone charger/cleaner from Rodys mom and a Joanne's gift card from Vershon and this sweater from Aunt Ann.
I took a pic to send to her, so I thought I might as well post it :) it's very comfortable!