Sunday, January 31, 2016

January 31, 2016

Today we got up and went to church. Kenzie was there :)
Great message! After church Pastor Ken came up and shook Kenzie's hand and then pulled her toward him and gave her a big ol hug! I know it made her feel good! Sure made me happy!!!
After church we came home and ate lunch. Then my mom came over. We went shopping. It was raining and mom and the kids used umbrellas it was so cute!
It was the only pic I took all day, but it sure is a keeper :)
I played minecraft after the kids went to bed, then I went to bed.

January 30, 2016

Peyton and Isaac were up playing at 6am. Ugh! I don't know y they get up so early now! I used to have to wake them up! So Peyton fell asleep like this on the couch today, with the iPad playing haha.
Misty asked if I wanted to go thrifting with her...heck ya I did! I didn't have any money but I figured I could spend my change lol so I went! I got a red yarn for .59 cents! That was worth my trip! Haha Then we went to Michaels and then we came home. She brought Olive in for a little bit. Isaac and Peyton were in bed but I let them get up and see the dog for a few min. It sure was cute seeing them play with her!
Misty is pretty darn cute with her baby too!
Here's Isaacs bag so far. Since I found red at gw, I decided to go with a Captain America themed bag. ;)
I listened to worship music, watched a movie on 49 and then went to bed.

Friday, January 29, 2016

January 29, 2016

Peyton and daddy went with Grammy shopping today. Isaac stayed home with me. We listened to worship music and I knitted some. Isaac played with the Legos the whole time.
I changed the living room around tonight. Isaac was a HUGE help! He helped me clean and push furniture. I can't believe what a huge help he was. And he thought he was super cool! Haha
It turned out pretty nice!
I watched some tv while knitting and then I went to bed.

January 28, 2016

The kids played while I finished knitting Peyton's bag. 
Poor Isaacs nose hurts because he has a runny nose :(
Finally her bag is done :) turned out cute!!!
She loves it!
I think we might have some baby snails soon lol
The kids played with Legos for a long time
Then we blew up the jumpolene 
Bruce came and picked up Evan and then the kids and I worked on homework. They are doing so much better with letters and numbers!

Rody and Isaac sent me this weird picture lol

After the kids went to bed I listened to worship music and then watched tv til I went to bed.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

January 27, 2016

My mom came over this morning/afternoon to knit with me while she waits to go to her hair appointment. We watched When Calls The Heart the holiday episode. It was so funny because at one point one of the actors was in trouble and my mom said "Show him God!". Hahahahaha we laughed so hard! I can't believe my mom is such a praying woman that she prays for people in tv shows hahahaha 😂😂😂😂 She's so cute!
After she left Melissa and Evan came over! We haven't seen them in a while so it was nice visiting with Melissa and the kids loved playing. Before they came, Peyton and Isaac were begging for Evan to spend the night, well Hailey is having a sleep over birthday party in a couple days so we offered to have Evan spend the night so Mel could get stuff done. It worked out perfectly. The kids were so excited! Mel left and the kids played and played and played! We ate spaghetti for dinner and the kids ate all their food. They said it was so good...thank you prego! Haha I shredded up pizza cheese and they put it on their spaghetti. Then they played until about 8. 
They all took a bath before bed, they were laughing so hard in there LOL! I love that my sisters and my kids are so close! It's nice to be a part of a close family!
I got all 3 kids in bed, and within a few minutes they were all sleeping. I didn't hear 1 peep out of any of them. Must of played hard today lol. I listened to worship music and listened to 3 sermons from Elevation Church and knitted til I went to bed.

Drawing on the steamed up window 

This is how close they sat to the tv haha
I think they were starving haha
Trying to swing Evan
Bath time beards 

January 26, 2016

This morning Angie and the kids came over. We had a great time talking and drinking coffee and the kids had fun playing! I didn't get any good pictures :(
After they left we ate lunch and then we just bummed around the house. I knitted and the kids played.

Monday, January 25, 2016

January 25, 2016

This morning Rody took the kids to Grammys while the guys worked on the furnace. They were here til after 5, and they are finally done! Thank God! What a difference!!!
I went and got the kids and then we came home. We ate dinner, then we babysat Nora while her mom went to MOPS. The kids were so good with her. Kenzie and Cole came over to get her w2 forms. Then my mom came over. She was going to Tony's with Kenzie and Cole to get banana splits.
Nora's mom came and picked her up, then my landlady stopped by to check out the furnace work. After she left I got the kids in bed. I watched Duck Commander and then went to bed.
The kids feeding Nora 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

January 24, 2016

This morning we got up and went to church. It sure was an awesome time of worship! After worship a lady named Leslie went up and had a word from God and it was simply "I am the God that heals!" Then PK had elders and care group leaders come up and he called for anyone who needs healing to come up and get prayer. I had to go up. It was like a confirmation from last night! I believe it was Gods way of telling me that it was Him talking to me last night. Not my thoughts! It was really amazing! 
Then PK preached a great message!
Isaac said his tummy hurt so he stayed out with us and just Peyton went in the Sunday school.
After church we ate our buy one get one free Quiznos meal. Then I took an hour nap in my chair. When I woke up, Rody was already gone for work. I decided to take the kids to the camper show. They had so much fun! They were so cute! And loved looking at all the campers!

Here's a video: it's too cute not to post!

After we left we went to McDonald's and the kids played! They played for about 1&1/2 hrs.
Then we came home. We ate dinner and then they played with the balloons from church til bedtime.
What a fun day!

January 23, 2016

Today I knitted and the kids played. My dad asked if I wanted to go to the camper show with him and my mom, heck ya I did. He said Rody and the kids could go too but I didn't know if it would be too much walking for them and I didn't know the bathroom situation and I wasn't sure if it would be a super busy place so I just went. And they stayed home with daddy. We had so much fun! And it was get in by donation of money or a can good. I love looking at all the campers! So much fun! We came home and I took a bath. My hands were hurting so bad! I ended up putting neosporen on them and wearing latex gloves to bed. I prayed that God would heal my hands and then I felt like He said "you have never even went up for prayer for your hands!" But I brushed it off as being just "my" thoughts. Then I went to sleep.

This is a chevron bag I'm knitting. Such an easy pattern!