Monday, January 4, 2016

January 4, 2016

I got up and went to my moms this morning to pick up the kids. It's so nice to get a little break, but after a couple hrs without the kids, I start to miss them so bad.
We hung out and talked for a little bit, then the kids cleaned up and we left.
We came home and the kids started to act crazy right away so they had to take a rest. Isaac fell asleep but Peyton just played quietly until he woke up. I knitted on my blanket.
We ate dinner and then the kids played til they went to bed. Kenzie stopped by and brought me a pizza, Which was sweet. She took the log out of the bearded dragons cage. I sure am happy about that because now the cockroaches don't have a good place to hide. After she left I fed the bearded dragon some grapes and he got moving a little bit, he's been so depressed without Kenzie. He even went after some cockroaches but didn't get any. 
I came out and listened to Death to Selfie on Netflix and then went to bed.
My blanket now :)

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