Friday, January 22, 2016

January 21, 2016

This morning I got up and got the kids ready and then we headed over to Grammys house. When we were getting in the car, my dad pulled in behind me. He wanted to introduce me to a guy who used to live with us when we were little. Then he left. The kids were so excited to be at Grammy's!
I went to get a few groceries then 
I came home and the furnace guys were working on the furnace. I sat in the living room watching tv and knitting until they left around 4:15.
I went to get the kids and then we went to Salvation Army. I found some pretty yarn.
We came home and ate dinner. The kids watched a movie and then played. After they went to bed, I took a bath. Then I started knitting a new bag while listening to Proverbs. It's so good!
Then I went to bed.
A dishcloth I knitted 
The kids made this with Grammy lol
I knitted this headband yesterday, and I've been wearing it all day. I love it!

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