Thursday, March 17, 2016

March 17, 2016

Today I got up and gave Lenny a bath and then fed the kids and got them dressed (well gave them clothes to put on lol). I decided to go to Harbor Freight to get a tarp and some bungie cords to make a shade for Lenny's kennel. I was excited cuz I called Harbor Freight and asked if they were pet friendly and they are :) yay! Another place for Lenny to interact with people.
I got home and got it all hooked up...turned out great!
Then Mel dropped Evan off and dad dropped Jack and Max off. I was watching them while Mel and Hailey
 had dentist appointments.
The boys played with logos and then wanted to watch Charoletts Web.
And ate grapes for a snack. 
They loved playing with Lennox and they all laid in a row for him to kiss them! It was so cute! Lol
Lenny was pooped after they left lol
We put a tshirt on Lenny today lol
We ate dinner after they left.
Then we all got in the car and went to Salvation Army, then we took Lennox in the pet store, then we went to Walmart. Lenny was so nervous about the car ride, he was drooling like crazy haha.
Poor guy! We came home and I got the kids in bed then I watched tv tiki went to bed.
My right hand is so sore tonight! Can't wait till I see the dr again :(

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