Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 23, 2016

This morning we got up and headed home. It wasn't snowing but it was cold and raining. We stopped at Tim Hortons on the way. I got a doughnut and a cappuccino and the kids got some timbits. They were super excited to eat them in the car, I usually don't let them eat in the car.
We got home and got everything out away and got some laundry done and then I took a shower. Then we went to get a few groceries. Around 3 Mel and the kids came over. Hailey had play practice so they hung out here til she was done. The boys had fun playing with Lenny! Then they all watched Curious George.

 After they left we ate dinner. When they were finished the kids got in the bathtub. They stayed in there for like an hour. 
After they went to bed, I watched tv for a little bit then I went to bed.

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