Thursday, March 17, 2016

March 16, 2016

Cuddling with this cutie!!!
We got ready and headed to Midland, tonight is Jacobs last band concert so we are going to hang out at Goodwill and the Petstore til Kimmy gets out of work.
Peytons hair is finally growing!!!
This girl at the Petstore was so sweet, she let the kids hold any animals they wanted to. Peyton picked the bunny but was too scared to actually hold it lol and Isaac picked a gerbil 
The kids were excited to try out Eli's new hammock he got for his birthday.
Excited to see Jacob play his clarinet tonight!!!
Proud of this kid! He did such a great job! And it was super entertaining too!!!
On our way home we stopped to see Kenzie! She was excited to see the kids and Lenny and the kids were super excited to see her and Katness!
Lennox and Katness meeting for the first time.
Kenzie loving Lenny 
Then we went home. The kids went to bed and then I went to bed. I was super tired!

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