Thursday, March 17, 2016

March 15, 2016

My dad and I went and got this kennel from a guy off of Craigslist today it's so nice! And works perfect for Lenny!!! Thank you dad for all your help!!! The guy also threw in 25 really heavy 2ft by 2ft tiles to put down in it! What a huge job!!!
We got back to my house and my dad set it up with me. 
 These are the tiles we had to haul!

After my dad left Melissa dropped off Hailey off. She is watching Peyton and Isaac tonight while I take Lennox to doggie training. She played with the kids and kept them busy while I got 
ready which was a huge help. We ate pizza for dinner and then Lenny and I left.
We got there and Lenny did great! He has already learned a lot in just a week!
We headed home and the kids were so excited to show me a few tricks Hailey taught them on the balance beam. Then we dropped Hailey off at home and headed to Aunt Debbie's. 

On the way to Aunt Debbie's, the kids told me all about the fun time with Hailey. They said she gave them grapes and oranges, let them pick 2 pieces of candy from the candy drawer, they played Simon says, and they played hide and seek, and with the balance beam. Peyton said "mom can Hailey babysit us again tomorrow?" Haha o and when I got home my house was nice!!!
We got to aunt Debbie's and Matthew watched the kids while i cleaned and helped Uncle Tom get the bed together and then we filled his closet with his clothes. It looks great!!!
Peyton loved Uncle Tom and hung out on his lap almost the whole time!
When he would go out of the room she would say "Uncle Tom...I'm getting in your chair!" And he would run back and she would laugh! It was so cute!
We headed home and the kids went to bed. Then I watched tv til I went to bed.

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