Friday, March 25, 2016

March 25, 2016

This morning while I was having my coffee, Stacie called and asked if me and the kids wanted to come over. We did! So we headed over there, Lenny too! The kids had so much fun playing with Kody. Stacie made them tiny grilled cheeses, which they thought were yummy and cool. And she gave them grapes and blueberries! They loved Kodys toys! They played with crafts and scissors and glue and they loved it! I dyed Stacies hair and we watched the kids play and the dogs play. Lenny didn't have any accidents. Then we left.

My dad went and checked out a dog house that we found on Craigslist. He said it is nice so we are going to get it. He said it was super heavy so the boys will probably help him get it tomorrow.
It's really cute, just needs a paint job! 
We got home and I had a major headache so I took some Motrin and laid down for a little bit. 
We headed to Aunt Debbie's to color Easter eggs. She ordered pizza for dinner. It was really good!
We sure had a fun time there! The kids, especially Peyton love Uncle Tom! They were playing with him the whole time!
We couldn't figure out how to spell Amanda's cats name so I just drew a cat on its Easter egg haha she thought it was cute! We sure missed her!
We came home around 10:30. The kids were asleep and got right in bed. Lenny had an accident in his cage so I cleaned him up and then played with him til I went to bed.

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