Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 12, 2015

This morning we got ready and headed over to Frankenmuth to hang out with Matthew. On my way I stopped to pick up lunch and then we all ate it when we got there. I went through the drive through and they asked me to pull ahead so I did. They forgot about me and I waited at least 20 minutes. I was so mad! When the manager came outside I was in my 3rd attempt at calling them! She was very sweet and gave me 2 free meals next time I come to Frankenmuth. 
After we ate our food we decided to take Lennox to the dog park. The kids rode their scooters which they were super excited about! We got to the dog park and it was super muddy. So the kids ran up and down a hill for a long time. Isaac was running down the hill too fast and he fell and tumbled down the hill right into the mud. He was covered! Luckily back in my car I brought him a change of clothes in case he had an accident, which I barely ever do. We walked 4 miles and then went back and had coffee. The kids played and Lenny slept. Me and Matthew talked. I'm really praying he gets better because I could really feel his pain and frustration. I think he almost cried. He's such a good guy and I really hope for a miracle for him!
We left around 4 so he could watch his MSU game in peace lol.
I came home and dropped off Isaac to daddy. Me and Peyton took Lenny to Ocean Odyssey Pet Store. Peyton loved going upstairs and looking at the baby puppies. We left there and went to the dog park. Lenny loved it, but a little dog kept trying to hump him the whole time. So we took him in with the big dogs. He loved it in there!!!
Then we walked over and Lenny and Peyton played on the playground there. Lenny walked right up and slid down the slide. I got it on video. I had no clue he was going to do that lol. Then he kept doing it over and over.
We left and came home and daddy cooked hot dogs on the grill. It was so good!
When the kids went to bed we watched the movie on Netflix mom told us about, it was really good! Then we watched American Idol. We set our clocks back around 6 tonight just so we would be adjusted to the new schedule early. And not feel it in the morning.
Now I'm going to bed! Sure was a fun day!!!
Matthew trying to race Isaac 
This is the hill Isaac tumbled down.

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