Sunday, March 13, 2016

March 13, 2016

We got up and went to church this morning. The kids are super excited for Sunday school since they are in the preschool class now. 
I loved seeing Isaac worshiping today, he was all into it so I took a picture. 

We came home and ate pizza buns 
for we only have 2 more! They are my favorite!!!
I left and went to clean some more at aunt Debbie's house. We had a good time and a ton of laughs!
She gave me this yard stick, which means so much to me! I was so happy!!!
On my way home I picked up the kids from Grammys, Rody dropped them off there on his way to work. They had a great time with her...they always do! 
Then we headed over to My moms to get Lenny. My mom picked him up and he hung out with them for the day. Thank you so much mom, I really appreciate it!!!
We came home and the kids were sleeping so I just put them right in bed.
Then I cleaned my house. And played with Lenny. 
I took a bath and then went to bed. 
Misty dropped off some toys for Lenny today, she is so sweet! He loves this monkey!!!

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures. You should bring a toy over and leave it here for Lenny! You don't have to worry about Mocha wearing it out ha ha!
