Thursday, March 3, 2016

March 3, 2016

This morning I went to my mom and dads, Kimmy was there. I took the kids and Lennox. Lenny did great there! He loved walking outside down and up the paths my dad plowed in the snow. We practiced heeling as he walked on the leash and he did so good!
We ate yummy chicken salads for lunch. Then we gave Mocha a bath. My mom left to go to a spelling bee for one of Mel's kids. We sure had a good time there!
After we left there, we went to TSC and just walked around. Then we went to Petsmart. Then we went to Lowes, they are pet friendly. Lenny did so good in there. 
He loved looking at the birds 
Eating the snowballs off his legs lol
The kids trying out the lawn mowers at Lowes
We came home and ate dinner, then Aunt Debbie came over and we looked at goldendoodles. She said she wants one like mine, but a mini. She is really impressed how good Lenny is. We showed her his tricks.
Peyton kept going and hugging and snuggling with Aunt Debbie, it was so cute!
After she left, I got the kids in bed.
Then I practiced tricks with Lenny. He even learned how to roll over. What a good dog!
I watched tv til I went to bed.

Today it's been 5 years since my IVF transfer. I can't believe it! The day I got pregnant with my two miracle babies! They were the only 2 embryos out of our 22 to survive, and they are all I needed! I love them to pieces!
Me with my first 2 pictures of Peyton and Isaac!


  1. Cute pics of doggie and kiddos. Sweet how Peyton is so loving. Just amazing that the embryo's turned into such adorable little blessings. God is awesome. Such miracles! Sure do love those blessings!

  2. Love the John Deere pic of Peyton...why is her coat on backwards...silly girl.

    1. They both wore their coats weird!
