Friday, March 11, 2016

March 11, 2016

This morning I got up and gave Lennox a bath. Then I did some laundry and did some cleaning. I took an hour nap and then Isaac and I went to moms. Rody and Peyton went to a couple stores. We ate lunch and then my mom and I made pizza/cabbage buns while Isaac played, and we listened to worship music. We laugh so much when we make these! I love it! A little while later we left and went to a few thrift stores and then to Kroger to get some groceries. Me and my mom making the pizza buns.
Isaac looking at picture books

Here are some of my great finds:

A shower head with a lot of different sprays. I got it for $1.99
2 pillows for $3
A brand new swimming suit for Peyton for .99 cents
I also got a shirt for Peyton and some pants for me.
We came home and while daddy fixed the plumbing on the sink in the utility room I ran to Petsmart to get a sprayer like my moms. 
My sink station is all ready
We ate dinner then the kids played and acted silly til bedtime while I got Lenny to work on tricks. He is a quick learner!
After I got the kids I bed I watched tv til I went to bed.
The kids had licking wars lol
Lenny's favorite sleeping position lol
Im glad he loves his bed :)
Isaac got this hat from Salvation Army 
Lenny wanting spaghetti ha

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