Friday, September 18, 2015

September 18, 2015

This morning me and the kids headed over to my moms. Kimmy was sick so she didn't make it this week. We sure missed her! Melissa was there and brought Evan back after he got out of school. We ate lunch, the kids played, and then we went outside for a bit. Melissa left and about a hour later I left.
Isaac trying to smile white his teeth showing lol
We came home and Isaac gave me a foot massage...I'm training him young haha
He is so sweet!
Isaac tracing letters
We ate dinner and then I sorted through the kids toys and the toybox. I got 3 bags of toys to donate to goodwill. Then I got the kids in bed. I knitted the rest of Peyton's  slippers while I watched Alaska the last Frontier. Then I went to 

O I forgot, Isaac has wifi on his non activated cell phone. He came up to me and said "Look mom, Matthew!" Haha


  1. Cute pics! You sure took a lot of good ones. Fun day!

  2. Poor Pey Pey. Don't like seeing that picture of her looking so sad with those mosquito bites
