Friday, November 13, 2015

November 13, 2015

Kimmy and mom came over this morning. After mom left Kimmy and me and the kids went thrift store shopping. We had a good time. Kimmy went home and I got some laundry done and then got ready to go to a birthday party. We decided not to go and went to the mall instead. We let the kids play while we are frozen yogurt. Some of Peyton and Isaacs friends from previous mall playtime were there and they were so excited to play with them.  Before we left, we took the kids up and down the escalator which they loved!
Then they had this thing called letter to Santa where the kids could write to Santa and tell him what they want for Christmas. Isaac wrote that he wanted a Mickey Mouse toy for his Papa, and Peyton said that she wanted a toy unicorn. It was really cute.
We came home and got the kids in bed and then watched tv. Cole and Kenzie came over for a little bit and then they left. I went to bed when Kenzie came home for the night.

1 comment:

  1. Love that escalator picture....Amazing that you could take that!
