Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Feb. 9, 2015

This morning I took Kenzie to school, then came back and slept for a little bit til the kids woke up. We got up and ate breakfast then got dressed. Then Melissa called and asked if she could bring over Evan and Livia (a 2 year old she babysits) while she gets Jack from school. I was happy to. Peyton loved having Livia. She kept calling her E-Livia. They played so good together! They were only here for a few minutes. 

I fed the kids lunch. Then they took a nap. Peyton doesn’t nap anymore, she just rests. Isaac definitely still needs naps!

When they woke up, we had dinner. Then the kids played and I knitted til bedtime. This is a dishcloth with a cross I knitted.

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