Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May 24, 2016

We had a fun day today! We ate breakfast then went to the camp store so the kids could buy something with their money. Then we came back and went to the camping store in Pinconning. We had fun there, we always do!
We came back and ate lunch. Then we went swimming. 
We came home to go on the hay ride but when we got there they already left. And we were 2 min early. :(
We came to the camper and nana left to go home because she has to go to the dr tomorrow.
Me and the kids went down to the beach and they played there for a long time. Then we went to the indoor pool swimming. We came back to the camper around 7:30ish. We ate dinner and then it was time for bed. It's been a long day of screaming kids because they are terrified of bugs. And when Isaac climbed into bed there was a wasp on his blanket. Omg crazy! They just freaked out about a fly, a gnat, and a spider in the camper and then a wasp. I was like o Lordy!!!
After they went to sleep I ate dinner, then I talked on the phone to Kimmy then went to bed. I'm so tired!
We found this at the camper store today, haha we should of bought it to keep them bugs out haha
Lennys having a good ok time with Norman

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