Sunday, May 14, 2017

May 14, 2017

Happy Mothers Day! I love you mom!!!
Today we got up and went to church. Peyton and Isaac planted a flower in a jar which was so sweet! I love it! Rody also told me ordered me a memory stick for my phone. I was so happy! After church we went to mom and dads. It was so fun! Mel and Kimmy and their familys were there and so was Stacie Dj and Kody! Dad grilled hotdogs and hamburgers on the grill. Mom made potato salad, which was so yummy and we all visited and had lots of fun! I love my family, so thankful we are all close!
All the kids loved Nanas new legos!!!

Hailey and Jacob


Adam, Max, Elijah, and Jack

Rody and the kids

Evan wanted to sit on the Rody bench lol

Evan showing me he can pick up Peyton

3 little cutie pies

Mom and Melissa

Mom and I

Our beautiful mom with her 3 girls

 Lenny loved getting love from Uncle Jared!

Mocha and Peyton

The kids were so excited to show Nana the card they made!

Missy and Hailey

Isaac and Daddy watching the tractor across the road

Isaac riding Nanas sycamore tree

Hugs for Nana

Peyton and Haiely

Papas girl

He is too cool for school

We went over to Grammys and had a great time there. She is so sweet! She wouldnt let me post this picture on instagram, but I told her she looked cute in it. She didnt even want to look at it. haha
 Peyton and Isaac  against the fence. There were 2 pit bulls barking behind them...yikes

This is the card the kids and Rody got for me, I love it, the kids look like Peyton and Isaac as cartoon characters haha
I found this table on the side of the road today, Im going to paint it. :)

Mykenzie got me this card for Mothers Day and she painted this on her hand for me.

1 comment:

  1. Should have written our mom and her three beautiful girls!
