Sunday, May 21, 2017

May 21, 2015

This morning the kids and I got up to go to church, we got there and no one was there. Not sure why! We went home and it started raining, so we decided to color bags for Nana. She went to church in Saginaw this morning. She got back around 2pm. We went swimming with the kids, then came back and ate dinner. Mom made spaghetti, it was so good!
Here is one of the bags I did. ISaac and Peyton loved it!

 In the background are the new cabins Outdoor Adventures put in. They are so nice!
 The door was unlocked so I went in and took a video

 The kids had the pool to themselves for a while.

 The little boy in this picture is about 11 years old, While mom and I were in the hot tub, a little girl who was about 2 and 1/2 years old, was in the pool and her sisters werent thinking and the little girl was left alone. She was flapping her arms while under water, struggling. The little boy was in the hot tub. He quickly ran and jumped into the pool and saved the little girl. It was amazing how fast he did it. Like without thinking! He didnt even know the little girl. I told him Good Job becasue it was just so amazing how fast he reacted! He is a little hero! I believe he saved this little girls life! I had mom take a pic of him.
 The kids rinsing off in the shower. Haha

We left the campground at 7 and headed home. Cant wait to go back!


  1. Thank you all so much for doing all those bags! They are beautiful. So nice with you up here!

  2. I love the lego bag too! Wow thats an impressive 11 year old! Quick thinking!

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