Wednesday, May 24, 2017

May 24, 2017

Mom stopped by this morning for a few minutes, it was nice to see her since shes been camping. I miss her when shes gone. Im feeling better today, no diarrhea but I still feel alot of pressure in my face from my sinus stuff.
I went grocery shopping and got some gas, then took Lenny with me to Goodwill, tons of people gave him love. Then I went to Salvation Army, which isnt pet friendly :(. I didnt find anything at either place, but it was fun to get out of the house. I came home and put a roast, carrots, and potatoes in the oven. I must of turned the oven off by accident cuz I got home around 3:30 and noticed it was off. What a bummer! SO I restarted it. Rody got home and jumped in the trampoline with the kids which they loved! Im so happy Isaac is finally jumping, when we first got it, he wouldnt jump, he would bounce sitting down and run in it, but he said it hurt his back to bad to jump. Made me nervous, now he jumps all the time in it and says his back doesnt hurt at all. Thank God!

The kids are reading so good now. Im going to try and upload a video of them! The Dick and Jane books from Grammy are so nice, I love hearing them read them.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are feeling better. Cute how Rody gets in and jumps with them. Love the pictures! I was happy to see you too!
