Friday, October 2, 2015

October 1, 2015

This morning Rody got up with the kids and I slept in. I was so tired. 
When I got up, he was making pancakes. They were really good!
After lunch Mel came to get Evan. She brought a surprise for each of the kids and Kenzie too. They sure were excited! And Evan was super excited to see his mommy! 
She left to get her kids from school. Peyton and Isaac played for a while and then I just wanted to get out of the house.
So we went to McDonald's and the kids ate dinner and then played for like 3 hrs. The kids go all the way up and then down the slide now in the play land. They sure loved it! 
Then we went and looked around Good Will. We didn't get anything but it sure is fun to look. 
We came home and Kenzie got home right after us. I got the kids in bed and then Kenzie showed me a rash on her back. She said it hurts so right away I thought it might be shingles. I took her to the ER and yep it is shingles. Poor girl! Mom stayed with the kids til we got back. 
After mom left, we went to bed. Thank you mom for coming and helping me out! Love you!

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