Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 28, 2015

This morning Kimmy and Mom came over to hang out for a little bit before we headed to Zehnders for our birthday meal. 
When we got there we had to get our cards at the desk and then we ate. They gave us so much food it was crazy! And so good! Sure was nice that mom could come with us! 
After dinner/lunch we went to Bronners to see Aunt Debbie and to get our free ornament. We got matching ones, and they are super cute! I forgot to take a pic! 
Then we headed home.
Mom and Kimmy stayed at my house for a little bit. 
Later on after dinner, me and the kids went to the mall to play. Peyton made some more friends and Isaac even made a friend. They sure love playing there. Oh and they were super excited that it was raining so they could use their umbrellas from Nana and Papa.
The little boy behind Peyton is the boy Isaac played with, they looked a lot alike.

Kenzie sent me this pic of her and Cole while we were there. 
We stopped at Goodwill to look around and then went home. I got the kids in bed and then watched tv til I went to bed.

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