Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October 13, 2015

This morning Rody got up with the kids. I told him last night just to let me sleep as long as I wanted because I didn't want to wake up and start stressing. So I slept til like 11:35. 
As soon as I got up I called the car seat company. The lady was really sweet and I barely had to tell her anything because as soon as I gave her my name and address she looked up my car seats and already had a complaint I recently made about the lap strap coming apart and I must of looked and saw that it was getting pretty bad around the seams cuz I told them about it and sent pictures. Right away she said she was going to replace the whole covers for both car seats. She also said she was going to replace the baby parts and I have no idea where mine are so that was a major bonus. I didn't even have to tell her what I did or anything. It was such a big relief to hear such good news. I'm still stressed and panicked about a few other things, but one less thing is one less worry. 
After Kenzie got home from school we went to the Delta pool. I didn't even take swimmies for the kids and they did great. They played with the air vents and their towels at one point for about an hour. So I just laid back and floated on the noodles the whole time. It was so nice to clear my mind and not really think about anything but floating.
The kids had so much fun! We all splashed Kenzie to get her in the pool with us. It totally worked! She ended up having fun too! 
This pic is blurry but I love it!
I didn't get any pics of Kenzie cuz she didn't want me to post any. But she was there with us :).
We came home got the kids in bed and then I watched tv and played Hayday til I went to bed.

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