Saturday, October 17, 2015

October 15, 2015

This morning I woke up to Rody saying "your mom and Lori are here". I got up fast. I totally forgot that they were coming. Haha
After we visited at my house for a while, we went to Applebee's for lunch. We had a good time! 
While we were there this lady came in and sat down, I could swear that I knew her. But then I thought about it and she looks so much like Dr Pol's wife. He's the veterinarian on tv. Never found out if it was her or not but she sure looked like her! 
When I got home the kids were playing with Duplo Legos. They were building a tall tower with daddy.
After Daddy left for work I worked on school work with the kids. They did such a good job! 
Then they played with their stickers from nana and papa.
And then they played with floam! 
After Kenzie got home from school she made some venison while I went grocery shopping. When I got back she said Peyton loved the venison and Isaac didn't. They ate all of it! 
The kids played while I got some laundry done and then they watched Doc McStuffins til bedtime. After they went to bed me and Kenzie watched tv til we went to bed.

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