Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 24, 2015

Didn't do much of anything until like 3pm. Then I went all over looking for a cheap leotard with long sleeves for Peyton to wear under her Halloween costume. I didn't find one :(
I came home and Cole was here. Kenzie and him left to go to Baynes Apple Farm and they got pumpkins to carve.
Kenzie sent me this cute pic of Cole and Isaac:
Then Nikki posted some of Kenzie's senior pictures on my Facebook! They sure are beautiful, she did an amazing job!
Then we ate dinner. And just sat around til the kids went to bed. Cole brought Kenzie home around 11pm and she sent me these pictures:
I took some pics tonight here they are:
Rodybsent me this pic, I love it!
I think it's really cool we have both pics! 
Isaac took this pic on his phone and then posted it to Rodys Facebook with no help. When we saw it on there we laughed so hard. People were commenting that it looks like Peyton and Isaac lol
Then we went to bed

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