Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October 12, 2015

Kimmy came over this morning. Then my mom came and then Melissa and Evan. It was nice to have them come over even though I was really stressed about some bills. But we had some good conversation and the kids loved playing with each other. After she left I decided to wash up my car seats so I could sell them on Craigslist and when I got them out of the washing machine they were falling apart at the seams and very worn holes in the backs and just a mess! They were all frayed so it would be very hard to sew them. I was so frustrated I lost it. 
They are officially unsellable! I was so mad I couldn't stop crying! I put the kids to bed after dinner. 
So many things going wrong in one day...I just couldn't handle it. I took 2 sleeping pills because I was in a panic. But I still couldn't sleep. Finally around midnight I fell asleep counting sheep and got my eyes really tired staring at my light. Ugh! What a bad day this turned out to be!

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