Saturday, October 17, 2015

October 16, 2015

Today we got up and I dyed my hair and got ready and then we went to my mom and dads to hang out with them and Kimmy. After lunch we went to an estate sale while Papa watched the kids. We all found a few good things.
Papa got the kids these straw glasses. So cute!

We went back to Mom and Dads and hung out for a little while before going home. Kimmy came home with me so my Aunt Debbie could pick me, Kimmy, and Mel up at my house to take us out to our surprise birthday celebration. Kody is spending the weekend with us so she brought him over shortly after we got home. 

Right after Stacie left my Aunt Debbie and Melissa got here. Rody stayed with the kids and we all headed out. 
We went to Genji's which is probably my favorite restaurant, but it's super expensive so I never go there. What a treat! Kimmy and Mel have never been there so I was really excited for them to experience it! How sweet of Aunt Debbie!
It's a very good feeling when you have aunts that treat you so good and you feel so loved by them! Aunt Debbie would do anything for anyone, and she is so giving. Always has been.
We laughed a lot and had such a good time! Aunt Debbie had them come sing happy birthday to us, which was really sweet!
The food was so yummy!!!!!!
It was so nice to have a little break from our kids and spend quality time with each other. I needed this so bad. :) so refreshing!
Then we went to visit Matthew and take him some food. He told me earlier he needed me and his mom and Kimmy to do an assessment about him and his spiritual gifts. It was really fun! We all pretty much came up with the same answers. It was easy to do it about Matthew, since he is such a good guy! Then Matthew and I went in his bedroom and did a 137 assessment that Matthew had to do on himself. It took a while but it sure was fun to spend one on one time with him helping him out. Peyton and Isaac facetimed us while we were doing it. Matthew was happy to say hi to them and they were super excited to see him with me.
After we left there we went to take Kimmy to her car at Mom and Dads, and then Aunt Debbie took Mel and I to my house. Everyone got home safe.
A boy named Cole came over to meet us and ask us for permission to take Kenzie on a date to a haunted house tomorrow night. We were very impressed with him. We talked to him and asked him questions for about 30-40 minutes. And then he turned to Kenzie and asked her if she would like to join him tomorrow night. He was so sweet! And she said yes. :) Of course Instalked his Facebook page after he left and he seems to be a very sweet boy! Here is a pic of him.

He told us he is going to CMU and he is applying for an academic scholarship right now and they only accept 250 so be is hoping to get it and it includes living on campus. So hopefully he gets it. He sure seems to have a good head on his shoulders. He also runs cross country and does pole volt. He is a senior and has gone to school with Kenzie since middle school. 
After he left, I took a bath and then watched tv til I went to bed. What a fun day!

Here are a couple pics Rody took and sent me while we were gone.
When the kids were going to sleep, I heard them talking and Isaac said "Kody what do you want to be when you 
grow up?" Kody said "I don't know!" And Isaac said "you wanna be yourself! That would be good!" And Kody said "yep!" Haha

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post. So glad you wrote about everything and puts such good pics on.
