Tuesday, October 20, 2015

October 18, 2015

Today is Kimmy and my birthday!!! How exciting! Not the fact that we are getting older, but the fact that we get to spend the day together. 
Rody was sick so I got up with the kids. Kenzie got all the kids dressed while I got ready. 
We went to church and then we went to my mom and dads house. Kimmy and Mel and their family's got there shortly after we did. The kids played inside and outside and we ate sloppy joes for lunch. My mom makes the best sloppy joes! Then we had cake and ice cream. Mel and Bruce had to leave to take Jack to the ER because he hit his head a couple days ago and he had clear fluid draining from his ear. 
My mom and dad had to go to a concert or something so we all came to my house. Kimmy and Jared and the kids came over too! We had so much fun! So excited to spend the whole day together! We had chicken fried rice for dinner. Max and Evan were here til about 9:30 and Bruce came and picked them up. Then Kenzie got home and stayed with the kids while I went to the ER because my ribs were hurting so bad.
They did a chest X-ray, then a EKG, and then they did a ultrasound. They did a nerve block which numbed the sore area in my ribs and they gave me a shot of morphine. They said I did tear my cartilage around my ribs and they said I have shingles, I must of gotten them from Kenzie.
Rody came and got me and we left my car at the hospital. I was feeling itchy and nauseous. And I was up all night. Finally around 6am I puked and it made me feel much better. So I finally fell asleep. 

Here are some pictures from today:

1 comment:

  1. Lots of wonderful pictures! Thankful you went to the ER to find out what was wrong. Keeping you in prayer.
