Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 29, 2015

We didn't really do much today because I was having bad cramps. But the kids played and watched some Doc McStuffins. We went to mom and dads for a few minutes so my mom could help me with some senior graduation stuff. Then we came home and the kids played while I did a ton of laundry and cleaned the house. O ya and I went to Kroger and saw my mom there which was a treat! 
Peyton sat like this the whole time she watched Doc McStuffins haha
Then she took some selfies haha
She was all curled up in my heated throw, I had to get a pic of her she looked so cute!!!
After the kids went to bed Kenzie got home and Cole came in for a few min. Then we watched tv til we went to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Funny how it can be so exciting to run into each other at Krogers. Loved it
