Saturday, October 31, 2015

October 31, 2015 Happy Halloween!

Woke up this morning and just sat around for a while. My rib has really been hurting bad again since yesterday so I haven't really felt like doing much.

 Rody carved pumpkins with the kids and baked the seeds. The kids loved doing their pumpkins.

Around 3:30 Cole came over to see Kenzie. She worked from 11-2 today. They hung out while Kenzie got ready. Then we all left. She went to Coles dads house, and we headed over to Grammys to show her the kids costumes.
Then we headed over to Omi and Popis 
Then we headed over to see Vershon and Aunt Ann.
Then we stopped at the fire station to see if we could get a pic of Isaac by a fire truck. They let him sit in the driver seat of a huge fire truck but he cried so I didn't get a picture. Haha
Mom and dad know this girl. The firemen came and gave them lots of candy. The kids were so happy.
Then we headed over to Melissa and Bruce's house to trick or treat.
We got a good pic of all the kids dressed up, then we headed out.
From left to right: Adam, Eli, Jacob, Hailey, Peyton, Evan, Jack, Max, and Isaac. They all looked so cute! 
My kids only went to about 7 houses and then they wanted to go back. It was raining so I was fine with that. We went back and the kids loved seeing Nana at the door.
We hung out there for a while until the older kids got back. They looked through their candy and then played. We ate chili and just hung out. It was so much fun! Kenzie and Cole came there too.
This is Haileys friend Celest and her mom Crystal...they go to our church.
Kenzie jumped in the picture, she loves Crystal. They were on a SOS at church together.
Adam was excited to show us his soccer metal.
Jared reminds me of Grandpa here sleeping lol
We left and stopped at Omi's on our way home because she had some chili and homemade bread for me, she's so sweet! Then we came home, cleaned up the house, got the kids in bed, and put all our stuff away. Then I watched tv til I went to bed. Sure was a fun day!

1 comment:

  1. Gee a lot of your pictures look like the ones on my blog. You took some great pictures other than that terrible one of me. I love Celeste in it though.
