Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26, 2015

Today we got up and let Mocha outside, after a few minutes, Isaac said "Mom Mocha is across the road!" I looked outside and she was. I panicked! I only had my nighty on and Rody only had boxers on. I had to hurry up and get some pants on so I could get her! Luckily she was so buys finding a spot to poop I got to her before she crossed the road again. Her whole long outdoor leash was still connected to her so it must of come off some how at the post it was on! Boy am I sure happy nothing happened to her! After breakfast the kids played with toys until after Rody left for work. Then I got the tent building kits out and they played with them for about 2 hrs. We decided to get out of the house so we went to a couple thrift stores. Didn't find anything but it still was nice to just get out of the house. Then we went to a pet store, the kids loved looking at the animals. Isaac loved the cat up for adoption there. It kept licking his fingers...he loved that! Then we went to visit Kenzie at work. She got out early and we were sitting eating our food and we saw Aunt Ann in the drive through. The kids were real excited and we were waving and stuff. 
Then we came home and the kids played til bedtime. 
Cole came to see Kenzie for a few minutes and then he left. Me and Kenzie watched tv together in my chair til we went to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pet store pictures. Sure had a laugh at the story about Mocha. I can just picture what you were going through. Sure glad she is ok too. I know you all take good care of her so I know it would be a definite accident. Thanks for loving her and taking such wonderful care of her always.
