Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Jan. 14, 2015

Today I woke up, and couldn’t sleep…couldn’t stop thinking about getting my tire fixed.

I knew I had tires put on a while back but I wasnt sure how long ago. So I prayed, and had my mom and my sister pray. Then I called my dad and he met me at the tire place. He went in so I could stay with my kids in the car. He came out and said they were covered under warrantee. When I went in I found out that the warrantee is only until Feb 2015…wow! So close! So I got a new tire, rotation, and balance, all for $16. And my dad blessed me and paid for it! Thanks Dad…and mom!

I only waited about 15 min, and Isaac loved looking at all the rims and tires in there lol

he is such a boy! He kept saying “daddy will like this one mommy!”

Then we went to Walmart because our jump-o-lene  wasn’t holding air, so we exchanged it for another one.

Then we came home and the kids ate lunch and then took a nap…a much needed nap…since we were up so late last night.

They were being super duper silly before their nap.

During their nap, I decided to make a pair of slippers for each of them. I got one pair done, they are so cute next to mine.

When they woke up, we played for a little bit, while daddy went to his Caregroup. Then I gave them a bubble bath, which they are always stoked about! Thanks Nana and Papa!

Then we watched Baby Einstein til they went to bed.

I looked over at them and Isaac was just checking out the bottom of Peyton’s footy PJ’s…it was so funny…I was laughing so hard at him, but trying not to let him notice. 

Then after they went to bed Kenzie got home, she had went to some hypnotize show with her friend Bryce and his family. She went right to bed.

I started knitting another pair of slippers and got halfway done but I am too tired so I put them down til tomorrow so I could post my blog real quick :)

So now I am going to bed! Goodnight everyone!


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