Friday, January 23, 2015

Jan. 23, 2015

This morning we got up and got ready to go to Mom and Dads house…we do every Friday to see Kimmy (and Eli).

On our way there we stopped at Walmart to get some yarn. Kimmy and I decided to make Melissa some slippers (like the ones I made for Rody the other day…with 2 colors). We decided to each pick out a color, not knowing what colors we were going to pick. I couldn’t wait to get to my moms to see what color Kimmy picked out. I picked this burgundy purplish color…I wanted to pick this really pretty brownish color, but I thought for sure Kimmy was going to pick a brown. So I went with the burgundy purplish color. I was so excited to get to my moms to see our colors, I even skipped going to get a cappuccino from Tim Hortons. When I got to my moms, we pulled out our colors, and we picked the same color! Out of all the yarn there, we picked the exact same color…can you believe that!!! Hahahaha we are so twins, but I would of never expected we would pick the same colors…THE SAME COLORS! Wow!

After a good laugh we started to knit. We knitted most of our slippers and realized the pattern we were following was too big. We decided to pull out all that we had done…2 hours worth of knitting…or more. I was devastated lol!

Eli and the kids and Jack played the whole time we knitted. Mom knitted along with us, she is working on a scarf for Kenzie. We had a lot of good laughs during our knitting.

Kenzie went on a date with Bryce, out to lunch at Applebee’s because they got out of school at 11:35 again for exam week.

I had to leave to get Kenzie to wrestling practice, and to get the kids to Rody’s moms for their sleep over, which I hadn’t even packed any clothes or anything yet for them. I dropped the kids off at Grammy’s and took them McDonald’s because she gave me money to get them their dinner from there. :)

Here they are waving goodbye to me, I think they were very excited for their first sleep over at Grammy’s! 

Then I came home for about a minute and called Kimmy, she talked me in to coming back to my moms to work on knitting the slippers some more. I was happy too. 

We had a great time, and Kimmy got hers done. Then she had to leave to go to a school carnival at the boys school. I stayed at my moms and finished my slipper. Then my mom sewed a button on each slipper. They turned out so cute! I cant wait to give them to Melissa tomorrow. 

Here is a pic of mom sewing the buttons on them

They are just so cute!

I came home and watched some Duck Dynasty on Netflix, then got caught up on some shows on Hulu, and now I can barely keep my eyes open. So I am hoping this all makes sense…lol…I dont feel like reading over it…well I never do haha.

SO now I am off to bed, hoping I have sweet dreams about my babies. I miss them so much! Cant wait to get them tomorrow!


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