Thursday, January 22, 2015

Jan. 22, 2015

Then Mom and Melissa got back here and Melissa’s appointment went very well…Praise Jesus!!! Just what we asked for…a good report!

We all hung out until Mel had to get Jack from school and Kenzie got out at 11:35 again this morning because of exams.




Then Kimmy called and said her sheep, Maude, who is 15 years old, passed away today. We sure loved that old girl. She was such a beautiful sheep…it was sad news, that’s for sure! :( But I sure am glad she isn’t suffering. Jared sheered her, so they could have her last wool…which is really cool! They have a rug someone made for them, from her first wool. And now they have her last. :) Cant wait to see what it becomes ;)


The kids took an early nap, since they woke up so early…they were so crabby. I wanted them to get a little nap before Kimmy got here. Jacob had a Doctor appointment at 3pm, which is only a few minutes from me. 

Rody got home from work early, which was really nice. Then mom and Hailey stopped over. I decided to take Hailey to gymnastics tonight, since her mom and dad couldn’t make it. So Nana took her home to get her gymnastic clothes. Then they came back. Kimmy and the kids got here before they made it back. It was so fun to just sit and visit with Kimmy, while knitting some more to my blanket. The boys just sat and watched a show on Netflix…they were so quiet you barely noticed they were even here lol. And of course, I forgot to take any pictures of them! Boo! I even said out loud, “I cant forget to get some pics!” And what do you know…not one picture of those cutie pies! I am so freakin mad!


Rody and Isaac playing legos

They stayed til a little after 6pm and they left at the same time I did to get Kenzie from wrestling practice.

When I got back home, I got Peyton ready to go with Hailey and I to gymnastics. We got to the gymnastics place and saw a lady who used to go to our church, so I said “Hi” and then Peyton said “Hi!” really loud and then said “I said Hi mom!” haha the lady said “wow shes brave!” haha it was cute!

It was so fun watching Hailey do her gymnastics, she is very flexible! I remember when I was flexible…a loooooooong time ago! Haha

Peyton loved watching her do all her stuff…she kept trying to imitate what Hailey did. Everyone who walked by would tell her good job, or she was cute, or something like that, and she even asked a lady to clap for her haha

She acted so goofy the whole time we were there. And there was a gym for the little kids, so she kept saying “I wanna show daddy the playland!” (facetime). Here it is


She just thought it was so cool! She kept walking away from me, just to go look at it.


Here is Peyton jumping high…just like Hailey! haha looks like she has baby legs




Here is a video link of some of the things Hailey did…and this goofball Peyton.

The guy teaching her is tough but very sweet! 

On the way home we stopped at McDonalds for a hot fudge sunday…I think Hailey loves our little tradition we are making. :) I hope so! She was so sweet! When I dropped her off, she was thanking me for everything. Haha, I just wanted to get out of the car and give her a big hug…but I didnt know if she would think I was weird haha. She was just so cute!

ON the way home Peyton was talking alot, about who knows what! My favorite thing about her talking is how she adds ing to any “en” word. Like

Chicken - she says Chicking

Bacon - she says Baking

Kitchen - she says Kitching

Frozen - she says Frozing

these are just some of her funny words hahaha

 We got home, Peyton got right in bed, and I knitted some more on my blanket. Now I am going to take a quick shower and go to bed! I am exhausted!  It was such a fun day!!!


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