Sunday, January 4, 2015

Jan. 4, 2015

This morning I got up and took a shower and woke the kids up for church, but they were coughing alot and both had runny noses, so I decided to stay home with them. Rody and Kenzie went to church. 

Me and the kids had a little photo shoot after breakfast lol

I was teaching her how to do thumbs up and she decided she would rather say PEACE…haha

I always think about how blessed I am to have these two…and my sweet Kenzie!

After church my dad was shoveling the driveway of the pregnant mothers home down the road, so my mom stopped by for a visit. She watched Undercover Boss with us…and even got in a little snooze hahaha

After my dad was done, my mom went to pick him up.

Then Kenzie and I decided we wanted Jimmy Johns, so we went there and ate inside. Kenzie decided to fill out a application to work there…so hopefully they call! After we got done eating, we decided to go to Goodwill. Alot of clothing was 75% off, and some was 50% off so I got a pair of jeans, a tank top, and a cute pair of pink comfy pants for Peyton and a super cute hat for only $3. I saw the hat when we walked in, in a carr. and I wanted it, but wasnt sure if it was someones hat. When i was getting ready to leave, I saw it on the shelf with no tag. They sold it to me for .99 cents. I was so so happy! It is so cute!

 Isnt the hat so so cute?!?!

Then we stopped at the pet store so Kenzie could show me a bearded dragon she wants to get. It is really cute!

Then we got home and just hang out for a while…well pretty much til  bedtime…took some more really cute pictures :)

The kids were watching TV and Rody got down on the floor, and they were all piled on him like this…I had to get a pic! Love this! Poor Rody haha!

Daddy and his girls!

Kenzie made this at Omi’s house yesterday…shes so creative!

And she surprised me and made this with the kids today. She is so so sweet!!!

I just cleaned my fish bowl. These are feeder fish, and we have had them for over 2 months now. We got them for .13 cents each and the guy said “You will probably get a couple days out of them!” which I was fine with then, but I really love them now! Especially the whitest one, his name is Gold…Peyton named him. The biggest orange one up front is named Little…Isaac named him, and Kenzies is named Weefis…haha she named him that cuz thats how Isaac says the word leaves. We just love them!!!

The little white and gold one gets so excited to see me…I think I posted a short video of him on here a little while back, but I will post it again cuz its so cute!

Isnt it so cute!!!

Well have a nice night everyone! Please keep my cousin Matthew in your prayers as he is getting cochlear implant tomorrow….thanks!


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