Thursday, January 29, 2015

Jan. 29, 2015

Today I woke up and took Kenzie to school. Rodys mom stayed with the kids. My car was undrivable so I took Rodys moms car. When I got back home, all 3 kids were up. I was so tired I told them we were going to lay down for a little longer. I made Peyton and Evan a bed on the floor and Isaac slept in my bed. Everyone fell asleep right away, and we didnt wake up til almost 10am. I actually had to wake them all up. We got up and had breakfast, then I got the kids clothes on. Evans pullup was completely dry. He is so potty trained! He has been using the same pullup since he got here…3 days ago. IMPRESSIVE! We watched a cartoon and they bounced in the jump-o-lene all day haha 

We ate lunch and then they played some more, then took a nap. I got caught up on my shows and knitted while they took a nap. Then Rody took my car into the shop to be fixed. His mom came and stayed with the kids when we went and picked it up. Peyton and Isaac were awake when she got here but Evan slept til I got back. Rody ordered pizza for dinner and the kids ate a ton of it. Then Mom and Hailey came over, they picked up Kenzie from school on their way. I knitted and my mom crocheted until we had to leave to take Hailey to Gymnastics. Evan came with us. He was so excited to see his sister in action. Mom taught me how to crochet while I was there, but I didnt really have patience to learn it. But I did a whole row haha. I like knitting better. Then we just sat and watched Hailey. She has gotten so much better just since 3 weeks ago when I took her. I sure love watching her! She messed with me the whole time about the time during the summer when I did a cartwheel. Haha It was bad! and she lets me know haha So I pushed her into a mat lol.


Then we came home and got Evan ready for bed. Peyton and Isaac were already in bed. I made Evan a spider-man bed on the floor which he was so excited about. 

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