Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Jan. 26, 2015

Today Kenzie didnt have school, so when the kids woke up, she them up and made them breakfast. It was so sweet! I was laying there listening to them, all ready to get up, but I wanted to give her some time with them. They love her so much, and she is so sweet with them!

My mom came over to visit for a few min before she picked up Jack from school, it was nice seeing/visiting with her…and knitting with her.

O and she picked me up a cute little needle holder…thanks mom! I love it!!!

Then she left and came back for a few minutes before her hair appointment…Ill take what I can get haha I love seeing her!

When I got up, I started knitting on my blanket and finished one whole knit/pearl section. I loved it so much I decided to rip out the blanket sections I already did, and do them like this.


I knitted til lunch.

Then I was looking for something to make that sounded good, and I decided to make scrambled eggs and sausage…but I added some Tostitos salsa con queso, it was so good! We ended up having it for supper too. Rody and Kenzie both loved it! The kids dont really like eggs, but they ate it…the sausage was their favorite haha.


I forgot to post this pic yesterday, I found it on a friends fb page and loved it haha


The kids took a nap, and Kenzie left for wrestling, then my friend Karen came over to pick up some of Kenzies formal dresses for her daughter to try on for a dance she has Saturday. Kenzie was happy to let her borrow them. :) They live about an hour so it was much easier for Karen to stop here after work and just pick them up. She works about 7 min from my house, at my old job. It sure was nice seeing her, even though it was only for a couple min.

Peyton woke up from her nap and laid down on the floor while I knitted, she looked so cute, I had to snap a pic. 


Kenzie came home, just as I was getting dinner finished.

After dinner, I knitted until about 7pm. Rody left to go learn the sound board at church, and I gave the kids a bath. They love taking baths with Nana and Papas bubble bath they gave them for Christmas.

Then we watched Baby Einstein before bed. 

I was so tired, I made it in bed by 11:30 tonight.


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