Friday, January 2, 2015

Jan. 2, 2015

We got up and Kenzie wanted to go to Goodwill so we did. I found an end table for only $5.99! I was so happy because Ive been looking for one for quite a while.


its got one big drawer in the front…LOVE IT!

Then we went to Dunham’s, well Kenzie went in while we sat in the car. Then we came home. Ate lunch. Then the kids took a nap. Rody went in to work early so he got out at 2pm instead of his usual 4pm. It was so nice!

They slept til about 5pm, and the neighbor girls came over, of course they wanted to wake the kids up, so I let them. They played with them for a while, then they left because they had basketball practice.

We ate dinner then Kenzie was playing with the kids. While Rody was tweeking our new chair haha, with Isaacs help.

He was totally into doing what daddy was doing.

Then we started doing funny things from the #notmyarms and #notmylegs ideas…we were cracking up!!!

Can you do this? lol

This makes me crack up! Peytons body, with Kenzies legs hahahaha

I dont know if anyone else thinks these are funny, but we sure got a kick out of it!!!

Isaacs head, Kenzies arms hahahaha

Kenzies body, Peytons arms hahahahaha

IT was alot of fun!

Then we were watching Undercover Boss, and the living room got quiet so I came out to the kitchen to see what the kids were doing and Kenzie was doing a special surprise for me with the kids! She has been such a sweet girl all day! I love her so much!

Peyton wanted to write Thank you! for her special message to me

Kenzie wrote I love U

and Isaac wrote Jesus!

They are all very special messages. This is so sweet! I almost started crying!

Then Kenzie and I went to Walgreens because she wanted to go a little darker on her hair since it was looking kinda greenish. So we dyed her hair, and now we are waiting to rinse it out. Then Im off to bed, Im so so tired! Sure am missing my sister Kimmy! I usually talk to her on the phone for hours each day, and I couldnt get ahold of her today :( But I know shes busy at her family in laws. Hope you are having a great time Kimmy! Love you!!!!!!!! xoxo O and hi Lela…I miss you too! I may have to sneak into Kimmys van one of these times and come visit hahaha Give my sister a hug for me! xoxo

Ill post a pic of Kenzies hair tomorrow :)


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