Sunday, January 25, 2015

Jan. 24, 2015

The kids spent the night at Grammy’s last night so I slept in this morning. Bryce texted me and asked if Kenzie could go with him and his family to the Ice Show in Frankenmuth, so I got her up and she got ready to go. She left around noon. Rody went and picked up the kids and I went and got some yarn and some other stuff for knitting. Then I went and cleaned out my car. When I got home the kids were just going down for a nap. I decided to knit some slippers for a friend of mine, Melissa, she moved to California a little over a year ago and I miss her! She wanted some slippers so I was happy to knit her slippers and a few other things to send to her. I got the slippers done, then made a coffee cozy for her.

 She has a anchor tattoo on her foot, so I thought the anchor buttons would be cute for her. 

Then I worked on my blanket some more. (Taking my time with it now)

We watched my sister Melissa’s dog over the night because they were staying in a hotel for fun. The dog’s name is Abby…she was very good! And she and Izzy got along great!

Melissa came to pick her up so I gave her the slippers Kimmy and I knitted for her. She loved them…tried them on right away!

They look so cute on her :)

She called later on in the evening to tell me how much she loves them, she is so sweet!

I knitted pretty much the rest of the night. I was super tired, so I checked in around 11pm, which is super early for me. haha


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