Thursday, January 22, 2015

Jan. 21, 2015

Today Kenzie got out of school at 11:35 so we went and picked her up. Then I went to the grocery store to get milk and cereal. Then we came home. The kids watched Mickey Mouse Road Rally while I worked on knitting a pair of slippers for Rody.

They both decided they needed their Mickey and Minnie Mouse to watch it with them. haha

After the movie we ate lunch and then the kids took a nap. Rody got home from work at 4 and left right away to take Kenzie to wrestling practice. Then he came home and got ready to go to caregroup.

Izzy was laying so funny so I took a pic

We made thick grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner and sausage. It was so good! Then the kids played well I knitted the slippers. I wanted to get them done before Rody got home. I gave the kids a bath and they watched a Baby Einstein before bedtime. 

After they went to sleep, I finished the slippers. Thank God! Rody said they fit perfect, and he kept saying “they are so thick, I love them!” So I think he really liked them lol

Then I watched Gilmore Girls until I went to bed, while knitting a dishcloth for Kimmy. :)

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