Sunday, January 25, 2015

Jan. 25, 2015

Today we got up and went to church…they were doing a backwards service today (Preach first…worship last). SO we took the kids to the Sunday school right when we got there…kinda nice!

Isaac wore his suit from Grammy, and Peyton wanted to wear her Christmas dress. They looked so cute!

Isaac didn’t wanna hold Peyton’s hand, he wanted to hold her arm, so they were fighting about it…lol She is just so bossy! haha

They made up fast lol

We had taco bell for lunch…yum!

Then I knit a dishcloth, using 2 yarns for my friend Melissa in Cali, it turned out so cute. I knit/pearled the whole thing, then just knitted 4 rows, then knit/pearled about 3 or 4 more rows. I love it! Might make me one! Its so fun trying new patterns. I just cant believe how much I love knitting!

Then I put Isaac in his room for a nap, and I had Peyton lay down with me, they take naps better if they aren’t in the same room. 

I snapped some pics of her laying with me, shes just so cute!

we woke up around 6pm, and Rody was making breakfast for dinner. French toast, sausage, and tater-tots…yum!

Then I knitted some on my blanket, cleaned the house, and just sat around. The kids watched a Baby Einstein before bed…they are 3 and still pick Baby Einstein every night!

I sat on the table to take a pic of Isaac, and CRACK!!! The glass shattered under my butt! LOL I had to go wake Rody up to tell him. I was going to go get him a fork to get the glass out of the table, and he told me to wait, that he would get it. He used packaging tape, and taped the glass, and pulled it all out and into a box in one piece, then vacuumed the table. He is so smart! I called my mom to tell her, and she had a good laugh about it! Peyton kept telling me not to sit on the table cuz its dangerous…Im like OK Peyton!

I called Kimmy and told her, and then both the kids wanted to tell her too. They talked so good on the phone to her….I was surprised, because it wasnt on speaker phone. They are growing up so fast :(

I put them in bed, and they were begging me to do a blanket bomb!

Blanket bomb: They get into their bed, and I wad their blankets up and throw them at them really hard.

Haha they crack up every night when they get the blanket bomb!

Well I am tired so I am going to bed…and I might just be in bed by 10:30…a record for me! haha

night night!



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