Saturday, January 17, 2015

Jan. 17, 2014

This morning I woke up at 10:30 am and still didn’t hear the kids, so I went to check on them and Kenzie had already gotten them up and fed them breakfast, and they were watching tv with her quietly. It was so sweet of Kenzie to let me sleep in. She is such a sweet girl! 

I pretty much knitted my blanket all day long. I seriously don’t think I even took an hour in breakes the whole day!

The kids played, Kenzie went to Omi’s to spend the night, and Rody and I watched The Wonder Years and then worship music on youtube all day well I knit my blanket. That’s about it. I got a lot done today, which I am very happy about!

I took 1 pic of Peyton all day, and a couple videos.

Here are the links to the videos:


Haha they sing this song Gods Not Dead all day long every day haha

Well I am going to bed! I am so sore from knitting all day lol


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