Monday, January 19, 2015

Jan.19, 2015

Today Kenzie didn’t have school, so we all slept in. :)

When we got up I still wasn’t feeling well so I pretty much sat around all day. The kids played so good together all day. They ate lunch and took a nap. At 3pm Kenzie had to go to wrestling practice so I let her take my car. Rody got home shortly after she left. We watched Elevation Church, I did some laundry, and we watched some Wonder Years, The kids woke up and we had leftover spaghetti.

Then the kids played with their train set and some other toys til bedtime. I knitted some more on my blanket. After Kenzie got home from practice, she knitted about 10 rows for me, which made me so happy! Thanks Kenz!

At some point in the day, I was talking on the phone to Kimmy and Kenzie wanted me to take a pic of her doing this:

and she had me send it to Kimmy! She is definitely a little weird! hahaha

Here are some pics of Kenzies scarf, and headband she knitted to go with her gloves.

We cracked up about Izzy winking in this pic. haha

I know these are like all pretty much the same picture…but she hardly lets me take pics of her now so when I find an overload of selfies on my phone I post them haha

She will love it when shes older

Here is my blanket so far.

I know it looks all crazy now, but it will look better when Im done. haha I kinda like the craziness of it.

I love seeing her beautiful smile!

This was my snack tonight and yesterday…I just love grapes and strawberries together…its my favorite!

This is how she was sitting watching me knit, so I had to take a pic of it haha

then of course Isaac wanted a pic

hes a doll!

It was a great night! Going to bed now!


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