Monday, January 19, 2015

Jan. 18, 2015

Today I woke up and had a bad sore throat so I decided not to go to church. Isaac still has a runny nose so he stayed home with me. Kenzie spent the night at Omi and Popi’s, so just Rody and Peyton went to church. 

I love just spending time with one of the kids at a time, they act so different when they are away from each other. I got the tunnel out for Isaac and he played in it almost the whole time Daddy and Peyton were gone. Then we had grapes and strawberries for a snack. It was so good!

Daddy and Peyton got home and brought us Pizza for lunch. We ate and then the kids played a little bit then took a nap.

I knitted the whole time they were taking a nap.

When they woke up we decided to make spaghetti for dinner. While I was making it, Omi and Popi came and dropped off Kenzie. Omi had gotten her some yarn, and some swimming suits (which were only $1) And some shorts (which were also $1).

She had a great time with them!

We ate spaghetti, and the kids ate all of theirs and wanted more…they love spaghetti…Im pretty sure its their favorite meal!

Then they played in the tunnel while Kenzie and I knitted some more. Kenzie made a super cute scarf, which goes really good with her gloves Omi got her. And I just worked some more on my blanket. 

After I got the kids in bed, we watched worship videos by Kari Jobe on youtube. I asked Kenzie if she loved worship music and she said yes and she told me that her favorite worship song is The King is Among Us, by Elevation Worship. Made me so happy! 

Then we watched some of Miranda Sings on youtube. She is a youtube sensation who is very funny….if you are in the mode to watch her. haha Me and Kenzie love her!

Here is a pic of her: 

Then we went to bed!

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