Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Jan. 28, 2015

This morning I got up around 6:30am. Took Kenzie to school, Rodys mom stayed here with the kids, like she normally does. My car was squealing when I started it, til I drove about a mile and then it would stop, since Sunday. Today It didnt stop for a long time, and then when it did stop, it smelled like my car was on fire. Then my heat didnt work…and we were freezing! On my way home, I noticed that the temperature gauge was all the way up…above the hottest temperature. It scared me so I called Rody and he said I should be fine to drive home. When I got home my mom was there and all 3 kids were up. Rodys mom left right away, and then shortly after her, my mom left. My sister Melissa was having surgery on her knee today, so she was going to be with her. 

The kids ate breakfast in the living room today, while watching Tayo. Then they wanted a pop tart for a snack. 

Then we blew up the jump-o-lene and the kids had tons of fun playing in it all day! My mom came over after Melissa got into recovery. It sure was nice to hear her voice when she called to tell us she was home and feeling great! Thank you Jesus! My mom stayed here until she had to pick Mel’s kids up from school. So we talked on the phone to Kimmy for about 2 hours haha and then to Melissa for about 40 min. During all this the kids ate lunch, and went down for a nap. And my mom and I knitted! Then we decided to both knit the dishcloth pattern I came up with that has Kimmys name in it. It was fun working on it with her. We are going to try and finish it tomorrow or Friday. She left to get the kids, and I decided to knit on my blanket some more. The kids woke up around the same time Rody got home from work. They jumped in the jump-o-lene and watched Frozen til dinner.

Vershon stopped by for a visit, it was really nice seeing him! Its been a while. Rody had to go to caregroup and Kenzie was at her wrestling meet. She won her first match and lost her 2nd one. Omi and Popi made it to the meet to see her. I sure wish I could of seen her!

Then Melissa decided to facetime us, so she could see Evan, and they were all excited to facetime her. They all wanted to show her how they jumped in the jump-o-lene. Haha then they all wanted to say hi to Abby (her dog). It was nice to see her smiling, and not in so much pain!

Then we watched Baby Einstein til it was time for bed. :) It was such a fun day! So happy to have Evan spending this time with us. He is such a sweet little guy! I have been hugging him and tickling him all day. :) Im so happy I am so close to all my nephews and niece! I love how close our family is!

I decided to do my blog early tonight, since Im so tired! Now I am going to knit til I have to go get Kenzie at 10pm. Then I am coming home and going straight to bed!

Night Night


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